Tuesday, November 1, 2011



It marks the beginning of the second full month I've been in France. This experience has been terrifying, horrible, cold, hot, brilliant, stupid, fantastic, amazing, and beautiful. And above all so far completely worth it.

It also marks the beginning of NaNoWriMo which I'm going to participate in. Problem is, I don't have a story, and I don't want to write my own trip to France story because I might actually want to publish it someday. So I'm down a story idea, and we're nine hours and fifteen minutes into November as I write this.

And because when I'm unprepared and unorganized, I'm really unprepared and unorganized, I'm supposed to be attending a costume party on Saturday. Guess what. I don't have a costume. All the shops are closed here today because it's All Saints Day, and yesterday was Monday which means that not all the shops are open. Oh, here's the kicker: not only do I have to find a costume idea by the 5th, it has to start with either M or I.

Moulin Rouge dancer
French Maid
Miss America

All of these are suggestions I've received, each one has merit of its own I suppose, but how do I pick and what do I wear? I'm probably stressing out over this more than I should, but that's because I don't want to think about the other thing I really need to be stressing over which is a completely different blog post.

I promise I'll get it together and post pictures and write about my fantastic time in the Alps, and get you up to speed with what's happening now and the hilarious time I've been having with Delana@http://delana-dujour.blogspot.com/>duJour (that's a whole new story that we have to get into). I've decided that November is my month to have a post every day, so get ready for some that are mostly pictures.

Meantime, brainstorm some ideas for me? I need a costume by Saturday and a novel idea by...a week ago.

Ready? GO!


  1. Why can't you write your story for Nanowrimo? No one else is going to see it. The point is just to get your story down on paper. You could find a painting or a tapestry and write the backstory for that. Or you could write about a girl who goes to France and see the historical characters in the midst of modern-day France. I think Miss America is a perfect costume. Very apropos for the visiting American.

  2. You don't need to be stressing about anything. You are young, in the south of France and eating s'mores. Enjoy my dear.
