Sunday, February 19, 2012

Return to the blogosphere

I know, I know. Your reactions are likely the same as my mother's "I'll believe it when I see it."

Well here you are seeing it.

When I last left off I was still in Paris, living the dream despite the last post I left you with was a down one. Now I'm back in the States at university for the second half of sophomore year and I've started working out what I'm going to do with my future.

Classes are planned for the next two years, depending on what my minor is going to turn out to be; the three languages required for my Multi-language/Modern languages major have been selected. French, Italian, and German!

Now all I have to do is decide on my minor. Communications? Economics? European Studies? It's going to be a tough choice. The really good news is either way I get to go back to Europe next year! Back to France in the fall, or off to Austria in the spring.

It all depends on the decisions I make in the coming week, so wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I picked myself up off the floor and let me just say that "Aaaah, the world is your oyster." Or your snail or whatever you need it to be. Go get em
