Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cleaning to Ke$ha and Bridget Jones

I'm not a neat freak by any means, my mother will be the first to vouch for that, she's often after me to clean the tornado alley that is my bedroom at home. There's just something so disgusting about a college dorm room though that when its dirty, even just a little bit, its grotesque.
Today after various complaints to each other and from our friends who stood only in the doorway, Colleen (my roommate) and I bit the bullet and got out the broom and laundry detergent. She took out the trash and recycling, I gathered all of our dishes. We took our individual laundry baskets down, started a load, turned on our designated cleaning music (a shuffle of Ke$ha and the Bridget Jones' Diary: Edge of Reason soundtrack) and then got down to the real work.

As of about two weeks ago, the fridge that she brought from home hasn't been working. We threw out the milk, but somehow we missed the fruit that we'd left inside. Those and the combination of the nectarines that were sitting on the desks had brought a swarm of gnats that were driving us crazy. So to combat them, I took all-purpose cleaner, borrowed Clorox wipes and Febreze and wiped down every surface I could reach, standing on a chair to get to the ones I couldn't.

Now I'm relaxing in the clean room, a fresh scent permeating the whole place, writing this while I wait for my laundry to finish. I'll probably actually fold it when I bring it upstairs and put it away immediately this time, and maybe the next. I do wonder how long it will last, though I'm sure my guess is far to optimistic.
One day at a time.


  1. Why didn't you eat those delicious nectarines? Clean is a matter of degrees, but it does feel good to lie down on clean sheets and look at a room without cat hair, I bet.

  2. We did eat them, they were delicious. There was just one that was rather rotten and squishy and we hadn't thrown it away yet. But yes, it feels amazing
